"Welcome to the Founder's blog. All updates posted here will come directly from me, and the information on this page will be live.

PSY Media Solutions: The Foundation of It All

It all started with Psy Media Solutions, our flagship company that worked in online marketing. We’ve always believed in delivering the best for our clients, aiming not just for success each year, but for constant improvement. Our approach has been to add real, tangible value to everything we do. Over the years, Psy Media has become the strategic and financial powerhouse that now supports the entire Oort Cloud Group.

Welcome to Oort Cloud Bull (OC-B) – A Token You Can Rely On

At Oort Cloud Group, we’ve built something special—something that doesn’t just follow trends but leads the charge in changing the way the media and advertising industry works. At the heart of our ecosystem is the Oort Cloud Bull (OC-B) token, a cryptocurrency designed to provide real utility and unmatched reliability in a market that’s often unstable. We’ve created a token that you can count on, backed by our own capital and powered by transparency and ethical practices.

Oort Cloud Bull (OC-B): Designed for Real Utility and Long-Term Stability

We didn’t create OC-B just to be another token. We built it to be a cornerstone of how media transactions are done, giving both businesses and individuals a new way to access media services with the reliability they need.

Key OC-B Token Details:

Token Symbol: OC-B.

Total Supply: 120,000,000 tokens available for pre-sale.

Pre-Sale Price: $0.08 per token.

Launch Price Range: Between $0.50 and $1.00 per token.

Reliability and Liquidity

When we built OC-B, we knew that trust would be crucial to its success. That’s why we’ve taken steps to ensure that OC-B is a token people can rely on, even in an unpredictable market.

Backed by Company Capital: To ensure that OC-B is always liquid and reliable, we’ve supported the token with our capital.

. This ensures a stable price trajectory and prevents market manipulation.

No Token Burning: We believe in the long-term utility of OC-B, which is why our contract doesn’t allow for token burning or the creation of additional tokens. This creates a sustainable ecosystem where value is retained over time rather than manipulated through artificial scarcity.

Transparency and Ethical Practices at the Core

We’re not just another crypto project—we are here to improve the industry. One of the biggest challenges in the crypto world is transparency, and that’s where we stand out.

Public Voting Rights: As an OC-B holder, you’ll have a say in managing the token. We’ve built a system where the community can engage in decisions that shape the future of OC-B.

Pump and Dump Prevention: We’ve all seen what happens when projects get caught up in pump-and-dump schemes. That’s why we’ve implemented a prevention strategy from the beginning, focusing on transparency, financial updates, and liquidity support.

OC Growth: Empowering People and Growing Together

A company is only as strong as its people. That’s why we created OC Growth—a division dedicated to providing training, employment, and development opportunities. We’ve built a system that not only adds value to our company but also gives back to the community by creating jobs and expanding our talent pool.

Training and Employment: We believe that growing talent from within is key to long-term success. OC Growth focuses on developing the skills of our employees, which in turn adds strength to every project we take on.

Scalability for Future Growth: With a well-trained, adaptable team, OC Growth enables us to scale quickly and efficiently, meeting the growing demand for our services without missing a beat.

OX Panel and oclouddns: The Infrastructure Behind It All

When it comes to digital media campaigns, having the right infrastructure is crucial. That’s where OX Panel and oclouddns come in.

Cloud and Hosting Solutions: These divisions provide the cloud storage, hosting, and computing power necessary for running large-scale media campaigns. Whether it’s handling massive amounts of data or processing high-performance campaigns, OX Panel and oclouddns are built to support it.

Scalable and Cost-Effective: We’ve built these services to be scalable and affordable, ensuring that as your business grows, you have the tools to keep pace without breaking the bank.

Collaborations and Niche Sites: Expanding Our Network

Over the years, we’ve collaborated with a wide range of clients, partners, and industry experts. As a result, we’ve gained control over numerous niche websites, each contributing to our broader network of services.

Supporting Success: Some of these sites are fully managed by Oort Cloud Group, while others are co-managed with partners. By leveraging our network, these niche sites benefit from enhanced exposure and optimized performance, creating a win-win for everyone involved.

Affiliate Opportunities: While we currently don’t feature affiliate links, as we grow, we plan to introduce affiliate partnerships with those who have supported us along the way, further expanding our network and opportunities.

PUDPA: Educating and Preventing Scams in Crypto

One of our commitments is to educate the public about pump and dump scams in the cryptocurrency space. That’s why we’re launching PUDPA (Pump and Dump Prevention Association), a non-profit initiative that focuses on preventing these types of fraud and ensuring that the crypto space remains ethical and transparent.

Founder’s Notes: The Vision Behind Oort Cloud Bull

As the founder of Oort Cloud Bull (OC-B), I want to share the heart of what we’re building here. We live in an era where digital media is rapidly changing, and with it, the way businesses and consumers interact. Oort Cloud Bull is our answer to this transformation—an innovative token developed by Oort X Media, the media arm of the Oort Cloud Group. We’re using blockchain technology to reshape how advertising and media services are transacted, bringing transparency, long-term growth, and community-driven solutions into the mix.

The Inspiration for Oort Cloud Bull

The name Oort Cloud Bull is deeply symbolic for us. It draws from the Oort Cloud, which surrounds our solar system, representing our vision to dominate and encompass the digital media landscape. The “Bull” aspect reflects the bullish nature of the cryptocurrency market and our confidence in the token’s long-term success. This token isn’t just a cryptocurrency—it’s a key to unlocking premium advertising services within the Oort Cloud ecosystem.

Why We Focus So Much on Pump and Dump Prevention

One of the most important goals of this project is to prevent pump and dump schemes. I’ve seen firsthand how these scams can undermine the legitimacy of otherwise solid projects, hurting investors and ruining trust in the process. We’re tackling this issue with a proactive strategy:

Transparency: We maintain open communication with our investors, sharing detailed financial strategies and updates about token management.

Liquidity Support: We’ve also backed OC-B’s liquidity with company capital, which helps maintain a stable market for the token, even when transaction volumes spike.

Public Voting Rights: We’re giving OC-B holders a say in major decisions through public voting rights. This ensures that everyone in the community has a voice and that we’re all accountable to one another.

Unlike many tokens, OC-B won’t be burned. Its utility within our media ecosystem ensures continuous demand, and the contract prohibits the creation of additional tokens, giving us long-term stability.

The Opportunity with OC-B’s Pre-Sale

We’ve set our token pre-sale price at just $0.08, with 120 million tokens available. Our goal is to launch OC-B at a value between $0.50 and $1.00 per token, and we’re committed to ensuring that liquidity is in place to support this range. With strong financial and operational planning, we’re confident that OC-B will be an attractive and stable investment, both for those in the media industry and for cryptocurrency enthusiasts alike.

How Non-Crypto Users Can Benefit from OC-B

One of the best parts of OC-B is that it’s accessible to everyone—even if you’re not a crypto expert. We’ve built it to be user-friendly for businesses and advertisers, and you don’t need deep technical knowledge to take advantage of its benefits. We’ve made sure that non-crypto users can easily purchase OC-B tokens through familiar payment methods like credit cards and PayPal. Once you have the tokens, you can use them to buy advertising services, just like any other currency, but with additional perks such as token-specific discounts and bonuses.

Our goal is to make the transition from traditional to crypto payments seamless, ensuring that businesses and individuals can experience the benefits of blockchain technology without the complexities.

Building a Secure and Transparent Exchange

We are also in the process of building a completely new crypto exchange that will make pump and dump schemes nearly impossible. Our exchange will only allow pre-sales for projects that have demonstrated financial success and proven their ability to create wealth. We want to ensure that only legitimate and promising projects get the spotlight, protecting investors and supporting innovation.

On top of that, we’re implementing a strict Code of Conduct for our exchange. The aim here is to promote an ethical, scam-free environment where everyone can trade tokens safely and confidently.

Our Commitment to Education and Transparency with PUDPA

We’re not stopping with just the token and exchange. We’re also working to address a bigger issue in the crypto space—education about scams. That’s why we’re launching PUDPA (Pump and Dump Prevention Association), a non-profit initiative dedicated to educating the public and preventing pump and dump scams. It will be funded and run by the same team behind OC-B, and we hope it will set a new standard for how crypto projects can lead the way in ethical practices.


• Throughout our time, we have collaborated with numerous individuals across a variety of industries. These partnerships have allowed us to broaden our reach and expertise, creating opportunities for innovation and growth within our network.

Niche Sites Under Management

• As a result of these collaborations, we have acquired control over numerous niche websites. These sites come from a diverse range of sources, including our clients, partners, friends, students, and staff. Many of these individuals have developed unique products that they have contributed to our network, allowing us to manage and optimize their performance.

Management of Sites

• While we maintain full control over some of these niche sites, others are managed by our partners. These partners leverage our network and infrastructure to improve their chances of success. By providing them with the tools and support they need, we create an environment where everyone benefits.

Affiliate Links

• Currently, there are no affiliate links on our pages. However, as we continue to grow, we plan to incorporate partner affiliates who have been instrumental in supporting us throughout our journey.

This format outlines your company’s structure and partnerships, framed as if presented in a directory. Let me know if you need any further changes!

The Bigger Picture

In the long term, Oort Cloud Bull is about more than just cryptocurrency. It’s about building a transparent, ethical media ecosystem that benefits everyone, from advertisers to everyday investors. We’re combining blockchain technology with advertising services to create an entirely new way for businesses to connect with audiences while ensuring fairness and stability. We’re driven by a community-centric approach that prioritizes transparency, public participation, and long-term growth.

We’re excited about what’s to come, and we can’t wait to share this journey with all of you.