Building a Safer Crypto Future: Powered by Innovation, Driven by Community

PUDPA is the non-profit arm of Oort Cloud Group, created to foster ethical growth and prevent pump and dump schemes in the crypto space. We focus on innovation and community-driven solutions to shape a transparent and trustworthy market.

Welcome to PUDPA

The Pump and Dump Prevention Association (PUDPA) is the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative of Oort Cloud Group, designed to assist in the sustainable growth of our own crypto exchange. PUDPA operates as a non-profit division, fully committed to fostering transparency, ethical practices, and long-term market stability. We do not seek external grants or investments but instead rely on the power of community engagement and technological innovation to combat pump and dump schemes that threaten the integrity of the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Our Mission

Our mission is to drive innovation and community-led efforts to prevent market manipulation within the cryptocurrency space. By focusing on building a self-regulating infrastructure, we aim to eliminate pump-and-dump schemes while enhancing the growth of our exchange. Through education, development, and collaboration, PUDPA seeks to create an environment where ethical trading is the norm, and investors can participate with confidence.

Our Vision

We envision a crypto ecosystem that is transparent, secure, and free from manipulation. Through PUDPA, we are leading efforts to create a platform where the community and technology work hand-in-hand to promote ethical trading practices. Our long-term goal is to help shape a market where investors can trust the projects they support, free from the risks of pump and dump schemes. By fostering innovation, we aim to contribute to a future where cryptocurrency can flourish sustainably.

Community-Driven Solutions

At PUDPA, we believe that the power to combat market manipulation lies in the hands of the community. We work closely with developers, investors, and industry leaders to create tools and processes that empower users to protect themselves and the market from pump and dump schemes.

Innovation for Transparency

We develop and integrate cutting-edge technology within our infrastructure to monitor market activities, detect irregular patterns, and ensure transparency in token trading. These innovations help create an exchange where ethical projects can thrive and manipulative behavior is immediately flagged and mitigated.

No External Funding, Pure Community Power

PUDPA is built entirely on internal resources, without seeking external funding or grants. This allows us to remain independent and community-focused, working solely to benefit the growth of our exchange and the broader crypto community. We leverage community feedback and ideas to fuel our innovations and solutions.

Real-Time Market Monitoring

Our in-house monitoring systems track market activity on our exchange in real-time, identifying suspicious trading behavior such as sudden price spikes or volume surges that may indicate pump and dump schemes. This data-driven approach ensures that any unethical activity is swiftly addressed.

2. Community Education and Empowerment

PUDPA offers educational resources designed to equip investors and traders with the knowledge to recognize market manipulation and act accordingly. Through workshops, guides, and community discussions, we empower users to be proactive in safeguarding the market.

3. Innovation Labs for Ethical Development

PUDPA’s Innovation Labs focuses on creating tools that enhance transparency, accountability, and ethical behavior within the crypto industry. By continuously improving our technology and processes, we ensure that our exchange remains a leader in preventing pump and dump schemes.

Why Choose PUDPA Section


Community-Driven: Our initiatives are powered by our users, for the benefit of the entire crypto ecosystem.

Ethical Innovation: We focus on developing solutions that ensure fairness and transparency, promoting long-term market health.

No External Funding: We are fully self-sustained within Oort Cloud Group, allowing us to stay focused on building real value and trust within the crypto market.

Real Impact: Our tools and processes are designed to directly impact and improve the market, stopping pump and dump schemes at their root.

Get Involved Section


We invite developers, investors, and crypto enthusiasts to join us in our mission to create a better, safer cryptocurrency market. Whether through contributing ideas, participating in educational workshops, or using our tools, everyone has a role to play in preventing market manipulation.

For Developers: Partner with us to create innovative solutions for ethical trading.

For Investors: Learn how to protect your investments with our educational resources and tools.

For Enthusiasts: Join the community and help shape the future of transparent crypto markets.